Review: House at the End of the Street

Review 2012 by RD Clark


House at the End of the Street

House at the End of the Street

Written by: David Loucka (screenplay) — Jonathan Mostow (story)

Directed by: Mark Tonderai

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot, Allie MacDonald,

Rated PG-13
Running time: 101 Minutes

Four years after child gustily kills her parents, a mother and daughter move into the house next door. Then, things happen.

I am not going to spend much time on this, as this is officially the Worst Movie I’ve Seen All Year. Several people walked out of it and I was sorely tempted, but I feel I have a duty to duly report to my readers (all three of you) (I hope there’s least three of you). Where to begin? To start, this movie was poorly written; terrible over-use of clichéd, drunken and hostile, bullying teenagers-without-a-clue. A total waste of Jennifer Lawrence and Elisabeth Shue, this movie meandered through the first two-thirds until the Plot Twist. This is a shame because the Reveal was not bad, but by the time it came around, I didn’t really care anymore. And even after the Big Surprise, the tension it should have created evaporated from poor direction and lack of anything else new.

I would recommend you do not go see it, do not buy it on DVD. If it makes it to Netflix or whatever, watch the first thirty minutes or so and if you’re not bored to drink, then you might make it through.

Flytrap rating: 2/10

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