Review | Alita: Battle Angel

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In a far future version of a trashed out Earth, a scientist finds a treasure in a trash heap and brings it back to life.

Review 2019 by Flytrap

Alita: Battle Angel

Written by: James Cameron, Laeta Kalogridis, Yukito Kishiro

Directed by: Robert Rodriguez

Starring: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Keean Johnson, Ed Skrein, Mahershala Ali, Jackie Earle Haley
Complete cast and crew are here

Rated PG-13
Running time: 122 Mins

What he finds is the remnants of a bad-ass, if somewhat cute, android/cyborg girl who immediately gets into trouble with just about everyone. Good thing she can fight.

First of all, this film is gorgeous in almost every way. Broad views along with a furious attention to detail make for  a dazzling backdrop. The story is engaging enough and Waltz, Connelly and Ali are solid, as expected. Ed Skrein was great as a Billy Idol bounty hunter.

However, I had trouble with Alita. I kept getting it rubbed in my face that she was computer generated and I had continuing difficulties relating to her. She was very well done, but a lot of the other rendered characters showed a lot of seams.

I’ll give this a mild recommendation. I did not see it in 3-D, but that might have helped. There is a lot of violence and some rough language, so beware of this if you’re going to take the kiddies. There are no post credit scenes, so feel free to battle your way out when they start to roll.

Flytrap rating: 7/10

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